About guide Hemangioma
What Is a Hemangioma of the Skin?
A hemangioma of the skin is an abnormal buildup of blood vessels on or under the surface of the skin. A hemangioma of the skin may look like a red wine- or strawberry-colored birthmark and may protrude from the skin. Hemangiomas of the skin appear most frequently on the face, neck, and behind the ears.

Growths in the outermost layers of skin are capillary hemangiomas. Those deeper in the skin are cavernous hemangiomas. Capillary hemangiomas are often left untreated, but cavernous growths should receive treatment if they interfere with eyesight or breathing.

Hemangiomas of the skin generally develop during infancy. They can affect both boys and girls.

Hemangiomas look painful, but rarely cause any discomfort. After a brief period of rapid growth, they often shrink and go away on their own without treatment. Hemangiomas of the skin are non-cancerous and complications are very rare.
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