About Photo Math Solver Calculator
Extract mathematical expressions from Images.

Paste or Input your arithmetic problems to solve them.

View the step-by-step solution process and understand the problem-solving process.

Key features of the Photo Math Solver Calculator application:

- Solve By:
* Image Loading: Users can load an image containing mathematical expressions;
* Paste Math Problems;
* Write Arithmetic Exercises;
- Image Cropping:Users can crop the portion of the image containing the mathematical expression.
- Expression Solving: Application supports basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation.
- Handles parentheses , square brackets, and curly braces for grouping expressions.
- Syntax Error Handling: Application performs syntax checks and validations.
- Step-by-Step Solution: Shows each step of the solution process, including the operands, operators, and intermediate results. The solution steps are displayed below the input area.
- Zooming and Image Controls: Users can zoom in or out of the cropped image using the provided buttons.

- Day / Night Mode;

Supported Math Operations by The Photo Math Solver Calculator:

Addition (+):
Subtraction (-):
Multiplication (*):
Division (/):
Exponentiation (^):

Types of Parentheses Supported Math Operations by The Photo Math Solver Calculator:

- Round Parentheses ():
- Square Brackets []:
- Curly Braces {}:

Caution: OCR Might Not Recognize Correctly all Math Problems!
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Mar 23, 2024
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