About Technicode

Very fast reference database of over 39,000 characters from the Unicode 15.0 Database.
Copy glyphs or numerical codes to unlimited clipboard; paste into other apps.

Technicode is a very fast, indexed representation of the official Unicode database. It contains over 39,000 Unicode characters, their symbols, numerical codes, names, version numbers, and descriptions.

You can search by glyph, by approximate name, by version number, or by the numerical UTF-8 code.

The clipboard holds an unlimited number of glyphs and codes. Tap a glyph or its code to add it to the clipboard, then paste the collected glyphs into another app on your device.

There is comprehensive online help built into the app which describes every feature in detail.

Universal app runs on both iPhone and iPad.

Additional Information
2.0 (7.4 MB)
Apr 05, 2023
4+ Years
First Released
Oct 15, 2020
App Store ID
Available on
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